It is an interesting game a game where you choose a country and try to turn it to an empire Good but it leaks a lot of futures like asking some one to help y. Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold contains Supreme Ruler 2020 and the expansion, Global Crisis: SUPREME RULER 2020 Overnight, the US dollar crashes AND the sound echoes across the globe. The economic crisis amplifies global instabilities and regional disputes, tearing the world asunder.

Supreme Ruler 2020
Fueled by Oil, Political Instability, and Regional Disparity, the World descends into chaos. Economies collapse. Tensions escalate. Trade wars lead to shooting wars. Nations dissolve. Amidst this anarchy, take control of your government, economy, diplomatic relationships, social policy and much more!
- Publisher: BattleGoat Studios
- Last updated: January 25th, 2010
Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold
Supreme Ruler 2020 generally operates as a real time strategy game, though players are able to pause the game or change the game speed. The player controls all aspects of a region's government attempts to unite a world of fragmented states.Multiplayer is available in LAN or Internet play for up to 16 players.
- Publisher: BattleGoat Studios
- Last updated: June 11th, 2011
Supreme Ruler: Trump Rising
It's a DLC for Supreme Ruler Ultimate that adds a new Sandbox starting on US Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017, with updated 'Modern World' relationships, leaders, and regional economies. You will take control as President Donald Trump, or try to minimize the damage as another World Leader.

- Publisher: BattleGoat Studios
- Home
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2018
Every Video Converter
Every Video Converter is easy to use, rapid and economical software designed to convert any video file into most universally used video formats like AVI, MOV, DVD, MPEG, TOD and others. It allows video trimming, video cropping, video sizing etc.
- Publisher: Every Video Converter
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Judgment Day
You command the only allied defensive post left. Your job is to fend off the enemies. Compared to the Supreme evil, your weapons are primative. However, they can be effective. You are given a machine gun with unlimitted shells, a supply of rockets, and a small supply of sky clearing nukes. Your crew will do there best to keep the base undamaged.
- Publisher: LWorks
- Last updated: February 8th, 2011
AvTrend Bronze
AvTrend is software that enables ACES Systems’ analyzers to work in concert with a personal computer to provide enhanced printing, import/export capability, and management tools that save you time and can greatly increase your productivity. AvTrend is available for the Model 2020 ProBalancer Analyzer, the 1700 Series Analyzers, and the VIPER 4040 Analyzer.
- Publisher: Technology for Energy Corporation
- Home
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Window Ruler
Ideal for developers! Window Ruler allows you to measure windows and make screen captures in a simple and fast way. Adjust the measure units (inches, points, centimeters, milimeters and pixels) and the size of the captures. Nothing is easier to run than Window Ruler.
- Publisher: Lorenzi Davide
- Home
- Last updated: June 5th, 2010
Mod Vault
The Mod Vault is a program for downloading, installing, and updating mods for Supreme Commander. The current version 0.62 is an aupdate of the old one (0.42) and corrects some previous bugs that appeared downloading the new mods. Easy to use application.
- Publisher: D2K Studios
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Supreme Ruler Cold War
Supreme Ruler: Cold War is a game in which you are the leader of the United States or the Soviet Union and you must make the correct Economic, Diplomatic, Domestic and Military decisions to successfully navigate your country through this dangerous historical era and increase your nation’s Sphere of Influence on the world stage.
- Publisher: Paradox Interactive
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2013
Real Warfare Mod
Real Warfare Mod is a World War 2 Mod for the popular Real Time Strategy game Sudden Strike 2 by Fireglow. The mod applies several good features to the game like: Sounds, Graphics, Playability and Realism.This comes free of charge and improves the game.
- Publisher: Cheops Technology
- Home
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010
Nexus Mod Manager
The Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is a free and open source piece of software that allows you to download, install, update and manage your mods through an easy to use interface. It integrates with the Nexus sites to provide you with a fast, efficient and much less hassle free modding experience.
- Publisher: Black Tree Gaming
- Home
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020
GTA San Andreas Powerful Mode Mod
GTA San Andreas: Powerful Mode Mod gives you the ability to become a superhero (or supervillan) with just the push of some buttons. It gives CJ the ability to fly, run faster, swim faster, create fireballs and so much more. It really gives you a lot to do for such a small download.
- Publisher: Rapier
- Last updated: July 30th, 2008
- Publisher: Timeslip
- Last updated: November 27th, 2010
Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander is a real-time strategy designed by Chris Taylor and developed by Gas Powered Games.Supreme Commander takes as its starting point the best of Total Annihilation. Many people dare to proclaim this game as the spiritual successor to Total Annihilation.
- Publisher: Gas Powered Games
- Home
- Last updated: July 21st, 2011
MB-Ruler helps you to measure distances and angles on the screen and distances on a map. Additionally it has a screen loupe function, a RGB value window and you can place temporary points, lines, rectangles, ellipses, polylines, texts and bitmaps as markers on the screen.
- Publisher: Markus Bader
- Home
- Last updated: April 4th, 2015
GO Contact Sync Mod
GO Contact Sync Mod is an open source tool to synchronize your Microsoft Outlook contacts with Google Mail. With this tool you do not need to enter your contact details more than once, always have the latest version everywhere: in Outlook and in Google. Contact categories are supported, as well as contact photos to make your contacts look exactly the same.
- Publisher: WebGear, Create Software,
- Last updated: April 12th, 2016
Oblivion mod manager
This is a utility for managing plugins, and also for packing them for distribution. It can be used either as an enhanced version of the oblivion launcher's data files selector, or as a more advanced mod manager when mods are specially packed into omod files.
- Publisher: niaht
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009
A Ruler for Windows
Measuring the pixels of objects on your screen is not an easy task. If you need to find out the exact dimensions in pixels of any object on your screen or website, A Ruler for Windows offers you a free and attractive alternative. The program displays an image of a traditional ruler for you to take accurate pixel measurements of anything on your screen, magnifying your desktop up to 4x if needed.
- Publisher: Rob Latour
- Home
- Last updated: August 10th, 2019
Supreme Ruler Ultimate Mods
Supreme Ruler 1936 and later (1936, Ultimate, and Great War) offer a great deal of moddability. As information is made available attempts will be made to catalogue it here.
SR1936, Ultimate and Great War are built on the same engine structure making data files compatible with each, however the file structure is slightly different:
- /Custom Folder for Supreme Ruler 1936 is in the root directory
- /Custom Folder for Supreme Ruler Ultimate is in /Scenario
- Scenarios in Supreme Ruler Ultimate are separated in to subfolders within /Scenario
- Some Modding tools (Map Editor, Scenario Creator & Asset Manager) are specifically designed for Supreme Ruler Ultimate.
What Mods Exist?[edit | edit source]
Mods are listed on
Where Can I Download Existing Mods?[edit | edit source]
Traditionally Mods have been distributed directly by the modders, most doing so through the Modding section on .
Starting with Supreme Ruler Ultimate version 9.1.286+ (March 2020 Update), Mods can also be distributed through Steam Workshop. How to get voicemod for mac.
Where Can I Get the Tools?[edit | edit source]
If you own Supreme Ruler Ultimate you can get the tools directly from the tools section of your Steam library.
If you do not own Supreme Ruler Ultimate, but still would like to mod the SR game you own, you can download the tools here: (Keep in mind this won't be updated as often as the Steam version. So to get the most up to date tools, download them from Steam)
What Can I Do?[edit | edit source]
With the release of Supreme Ruler Ultimate Update 9.1.76, new modding tools - the Map Editor, Scenario Creator & Asset Manager - have been released, making it easier to modify and create the data files used by the game engine. Additionally, most data files can be edited in plain text.

Take a look at a walkthrough for the new Scenario Creator/Map Editor:
Here are some of the areas players can modify:
- Mod Unit 3D Meshes
- DEFAULT.PICNUMS definition file
Data files:
- News/Email Data
Equipment Data (Units and Facilities)
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New Mod features introduced in March 2020 Update[edit | edit source]
With the introduction of Steam Workshop, the SRU engine has had additional Mod Support added, including:

Supreme Ruler 2020 Cheats
- All Scenarios/Campaigns/Scenarios can now include overrides of core game elements (graphics, meshes, etc)
- A game called SAMPLE.Scenario will now first try to load game elements from subfolder SAMPLExxx, ie SAMPLEGraphics, SAMPLESounds, etc
- There is a priority sequence of loading content - check out Steam Workshop page for more details on content load priorities
- More engine elements can now be modded - see WMData section for details.