Software Inspire X 2020.1 is Starkey's advanced, intuitive programming tool — designed to help you provide the most precise fittings and superior counseling for your patients and their families. Every patient's hearing needs are unique. We use cookies on our websites to personalize your experience, provide social media features, and analyze traffic. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Software Inspire X 2020.1 is Starkey's advanced, intuitive programming tool — designed to help you provide the most precise fittings and superior counseling for your patients and their families. Starkey Inspire Os Download Zte data card unlock software download. Inspire - designed to help you provide the most precise fittings and superior counseling for your patients and their families.
Remote programming of hearing aids is becoming more and more common. Does Starkey’s system require that professional and the patient to set up a specific time, so they can do they remote programming?
Starkey Inspire Software

No. Our Hearing Care Anywhere system is an asynchronous system. Meaning, the patient can send a request for adjustments when and where it is convenient for them. And, the professional can respond by programming and sending changes to the patient when it is convenient for the professional. This allows for both the patient and the professional to interact with the system based on their individual schedules.
How does the hearing aid user send a request for hearing aid adjustments?
Hearing Care Anywhere works with Livio AI and Livio devices. To request a change, the patient needs to be using the Thrive mobile app and be signed into the Thrive cloud. The hearing professional sets up a secure cloud connection with the hearing aid user. The patient can then send a request for adjustments directly to their hearing health care provider via the Thrive app.
How does the professional know a patient has sent a request?

There is a new component of the Inspire software that we call the Hearing Care Anywhere Dashboard. The professional logs into the Dashboard and it then runs independently from Inspire. The Dashboard runs behind the scenes. And, if a patient sends a request for adjustments, the professional gets a notification on their computer home menu. They can then go from the Dashboard directly into NOAH and Inspire to make the changes.
Starkey Inspire Download
So, once the professional makes the adjustments, how do they get those changes to the patient?
Starkey Software
The changes are made within Inspire just as if the patient were in the office. However, the changes are saved to the patient’s cloud account. The patient gets a notification on the Thrive app and can then download the adjustments. And, the patient can listen to the new adjustments, compare them to the current settings and decide which they prefer.
Starkey Inspire 2020 Download
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