Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Society Bye-laws are set in accordance with the rules of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960. These bye-laws provides a distinct guidelines to the co-operative society management to facilitate ease of functioning and peaceful cohabitation of the members. Also Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye-Laws aids societies to initiate any redevelopment process as per the norms of the authority.
Therefore, let us have a look at the key features that the MCS Act 1960 states:
Some bye-laws will not match but most of the bye-laws no match. The new model bye-lawsblue cover-Marathi version is Approved by Cooperative commissioner and registrar of society maharashtra on and its English version green cover is approved on. So from F.Y 2009-2010 you have to adopt this new bye-laws.
Joint members shall be in first degree Blood Relation. (iii) In accordance with the procedure laid down in the Bye-laws and the Rules for admission of any member, the Society may admit minors and persons of unsound mind inheriting share or interests of deceased members as its members through their legal heir or representatives. Sporadically Mahalaxmi mantra hindi download, Mahatma gandhi marathi quotes, Maharashtra road map pdf free download, Meditations Maharashtra cooperative societies act 1960 model bye laws, Maharashtra district court Maharashtrian recipes in marathi language download Maharashtra cooperative housing society act 1960. (27)' society ' means a co-operative society registered, or deemed to be registered, under this Act; (28) “society with limited liability ' means a society having the liability of its members limited by its by-laws; (29) ' society with unlimited liability '. means a society, the members of which.ire, in the event of its being wound up. Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society, Act means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; (MCS Act) 1960; Bye-laws means the registered bye-laws of the society.
Area of operation: The act states that the area of operation for any co-operative housing society is confined to all the cities and towns of Maharashtra. For the societies located at Brihan Mumbai, insertion of City Survey Number and Ward in mandatory.
Affiliation: Upon registering, the society becomes a member of Housing Federation of the district. As such the society becomes eligible to receive funds from the district central co-operative bank as per the bye-laws of the respective organisations.
Fundraising: As per the act, the society can raise fund for themselves as and when required either by charging an entrance fee or issuing shares or offering loans and subsidies. They can charge fee on transfer of shares along with occupancy rights as well. Also the society is eligible to receive voluntary donations.
Members Rights and Responsibilities: As per the bye laws, the membership of the society must include the associate members and nominal members. Anyone who is competent to contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 or a corporate body constituted under any law for the time being in force, or a society registered under the societies registration act, 1860 are eligible for membership. The eligible candidate need to pay a membership fee as per the society bye-law before getting inducted as a member.
Incorporation of duties: The bye-law vest the body of registered society with certain duties. Accordingly, the society need to conduct the structural audit of the buildings of the society once in 5 years for the buildings between 15-30 years of age and once every 3 years for building above 30 years.
Society Bye Laws 2017 In Marathi Pdf Download
Society Management: In accordance to MCS Act, 1960, the registered society need to open a banking account of the society in the nearest State or District Central Co-op. Bank or its branch or in any scheduled co-op Bank.
Resolution of complaints: The Act states that any dispute regarding the business activities of the society can be forwarded to any society member of surety of the member for resolution.
This book contains Co-operative housing Society Registration, Deemed Conveyance, Redevelopment of Buildings, Rights & Responsibilities of Members, Transfer & maintenance of Property Auditing etc...
- Publisher: Chaudhari Law Publishers
- Book Code: CHP023
- Availability: 10
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