DPS addons aren’t very good in dungeons because dungeons constantly fluctuate between ST, Cleave, AoE and Utility. It won’t come quickly but just spend time learning the class, maybe get some weakauras to assist you (extremely good addon, plus you can just download packages for it instead of making your own) and gradually get better and better. One of the most popular all-in-one add-on collections, ElvUI earned its unique status as one of the best WoW addons. It provides a sleek revamp of the entire default WoW user interface.

Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Each rotation list is more of a 'priority list'--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. Out of all abilities you have available, use the one highest up in the priority list.
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When fighting one target, use the following priority list:
- Virulent Plague (Maintain on target [refresh using Outbreak])
- Death Coil (With Sudden Doom procs or when >80 Runic Power)
- Clawing Shadows (If talented) or Scourge Strike (When 1 or more Festering Wound)
When fighting multiple targets, use Death and Decay on cooldown and be sure to stay within it's area for the bonus, using Scourge Strike as much as possible. Dts sound driver for hp pavilion 15.
Best Dps Rotation Addon Wow Bfa Addons
If talented with Unholy Blight, use that to apply Virulent Plague.
Best Dps Addon Wow Bfa
- Virulent Plague (Maintain on target [refresh using Outbreak])
- Epidemic (With Sudden Doom procs or when >80 Runic Power)
- Defile (if talented) or {Death and Decay)
- Clawing Shadows (If talented) or Scourge Strike (Either if standing in Death and Decay or Defile)
- Clawing Shadows (If talented) or Scourge Strike (Either when 1 or more Festering Wound)